Sunday, December 14, 2014

Jack Jones and the Pirate Curse

Author: Judith Rossell
Year published: 2007
Format: hard cover
Genre: fiction
Review: At first I thought that in the end that it would be a good  book but once I read more than half the book before I stopped reading it almost caught my attention but then I  noticed that every chapter took a little of my attention then I had no interest.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Buffalo Before Breakfast

Author: Marry Pope Osborne
Genre: science fiction
Year Published:
Review: I loved it because they travel back to different places

Monday, December 1, 2014

Rio 2

I like when they play soccer as war and blue scores on him self and when they have war against the cutters of the trees

sunset of the sabertooth

Year Published:
Review: when the woolly mammoth  carries them

Nate the great goes undercover

I like when  he hides in the trash can

Ghost Buddy Always Dance With A Hairy Buffalo

If you like ghost stories then you would like to read this book it is about a boy that moved into a new house and found out that there was a 99 year old ghost living in his closet and makes best friends with a ghost but the ghost sees a beautiful girl ghost